Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Unexpectedly nervous...

Isn't it kind of weird to be nervous about a race that I have no intention of even trying to win? I find myself a bit uneasy about the Hurricane Half-Marathon next month, and I'm not sure why. My only goal is to finish, which I'm sure I will do, even if I have to walk the entire way. Of course, I have no intention of walking the whole way, only select portions (like maybe up the nasty hill.) The point is, I'm not running to place, or to measure myself against the other runners, but simply to do something challenging and be healthy in the effort. So why should I be nervous? Doesn't make sense, but here I am with little butterflies in my tummy when I think about the race. On the other hand, I am also very excited about it! My sisters are coming down to race with me, which I think will be very fun. And I'm thrilled to be able to say things like, "Yes, I'm a runner," and "I'm doing a half-marathon next month." A half-marathon? That is so cool! It gives me a sense of accomplishment like not much else ever has. This has been a challenge bigger than any physical one I have given myself before (except perhaps carry a baby 9 months and have a natural delivery. 5 times.) This challenge, unlike the baby challenge, relies entirely upon my motivation and hard work. Maybe that's why I'm nervous. I'm still a ways from the goal, and I really want to cross that finish line and prove that I was up to the challenge. Well, the goal is in sight. Just a few more weeks of work, and then the big final push to victory. I can hardly wait.


  1. Good luck Jen I know you can do it

    AKA Little jenn

  2. Sometimes I still get butterflies when I go to the gym after missing too many days. I have no idea why.
