Monday, March 29, 2010

Sometimes it gripes me...

According to my email this morning, the way for me to prove I am not ashamed of Christ is to forward an email to ten people. Not to live a righteous life. Not to search for and share the truth. Not to support widows and orphans, and give help to the needy, and lift up the arms that hang down. Not to raise my children in righteousness. Not to do my best to support all that is good and condemn all that is evil in the world. And not, I guess, to love God with all my heart, might, mind and strength. Just to forward the email. I don't mind the email, really. It had some beautiful pictures of Christ. And I love the person who sent it to me. But it really makes me frustrated (and a little sad, I guess) that people continue to put energy into doing these little things that make no difference to their eternal salvation. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe forwarding emails is the true way to God. I hope not, though, because if it is, I'm in trouble.

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