Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Joy #8 - Elizabeth Ann

My Elizabeth turned 8 years old this year, in January. I have a hard time expressing how much she means to me. She is the middle child, and I have had a different and interesting relationship with her from her birth. She was as eagerly anticipated as any of her siblings. She was the first child I had at the birthing clinic in Centennial Park, which by the way was a wonderful experience I repeated with the two following children. And was she ever in a hurry to come. 3 hours from beginning to end of labor. I think she was finished being with me and ready to begin her relationship with her daddy. From day one she adored her dad. I fed and cleaned and cared for her during the day, but when Russell came home from work, my time was over. He was the snuggler and tickler and all-around pal whenever he was home. She and he have always had a very close, loving connection. Of all my children, she was the only true Daddy's Girl. He calls her his little monkey, and she just glows when he's around. Of course, I love her dearly, as well.
Lizzy (her preferred nickname) is full of life an enjoys almost everything she does. And her joy is infectious. Her smile seems to spread from her face to the faces of everyone around.
She is true to the stereotypical redheaded temperament, fiery and full of passion. She (like her sister Megan before her) has the ability to slay with just a look. At the same time, she is very tender and compassionate. She's a very loyal friend, and guards her relationships carefully. She feels things so very deeply. I love her so very much. She makes me work hard at motherhood, partly due to the challenges she presents to my temper, but also because I know I need to work hard to give her all the love/attention she needs and deserves.
She is beautiful and talented and artistic and passionate. She has so many great qualities I aspire to cultivate in myself.
She has been blessed to have a life full of good examples and so she eagerly chose to be baptized at 8 years old. As has become a tradition in our family, her dad performed the baptism, and then her Grandpa Mike confirmed her a member of the church.
It's so touching to see her striving to choose the right in her everyday life. She feels the Savior's admonitions to love and serve others very keenly and actively searches for ways to do that. I am blessed by her example and humbled to have her as a daughter. She truly makes me want to be a better person. What more could I possibly ask?

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