Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Should I?

Should I run the Bryce Canyon Half Marathon? (Pro - It's all downhill, and it's in a beautiful area, and it's a great goal to keep me motivated to keep in shape over the summer. Con - It costs $35, I'd have to either leave my family at home or take them camping (neither is hubby's favorite thing), and it might end up killing my IT bands again.)

Should I cut my hair short? (Pro - It would be different [and I like a change every now and again], it would be cooler in the heat, and short hair forces me to style my hair every morning. Con - Hubby loves long hair, costs money to cut and to maintain the cut, and short hair forces me to style my hair every morning.)

Should I let JR and Aubrey get a facebook page? (Pro - shows I trust them, makes them very happy, and it's a social networking site I understand and can monitor easily. Con - Facebook restricts children from use so I would have to omit info to set them up, it would give kids more media time each day, and it almost certainly would be a source of conflict.)

Should I spend money on cute office organization stuff? (Pro - Cute stuff makes me more likely to use it and therefore BE organized, the office would look so much better, and I want to. Con - Money could be better used elsewhere, current stuff is functional and budget friendly (our family motto), and hubby would not understand.

These are the questions that haunt my nights. Well, they haunt my occasional free moments, anyway.


  1. If kids aren't supposed to be on facebook, I would tell them to wait until they are of the condoned age, but let them have another outlet, such as a private blog that they can invite their friends and you. That way if they accidentally post more information than you want them to, it won't be in the public sphere.

    Don't ask me on the half marathon. I'd sew over run any day. :) Wouldn't you rather read;)

    Also, while I love damask as much as the next girl, I suspect it will be out of style with in two to three years. I guess it depends on how long you want it to last? IMHO stuff that is really trendy seems to get old faster.

  2. do the half, 35 is cheap for a half. i don't look forward to the day my kids want their own page-12 is a good age i think.
