Friday, August 6, 2010

Watch this space...

So the background I formerly had was discontinued by the provider and I had to find another. This background is called "Calm Breezes." It doesn't look like it should be called "Calm Breezes" but I liked the look. I really liked the name, too. I haven't blogged in a month, what with having 5 kids home from school, building a wall around one of our properties, planning and executing a several thousand mile vacation to California, and generally being a mom.


....all that is about to change. The winds of change are blowing, or should I say the "Calm Breezes" of change are blowing. School starts in less than a week, and I will have my life back. My organized, orderly life (which, although not the epitome of organization by any means, is far more organized than my summer life, which is the epitome of undisciplined.) Hallelujah!! And as I said on facebook a couple of days ago, if this joy, this giddiness, makes me a bad mom, so be it. I look forward to seeing you all again, to having time to put thoughts into words, and just to generally sharing whatever I feel like sharing. And to school being back in session. (Did I mention the kids are going back to school? Yes? Well, good.)


  1. I like your new background a lot. It's very pretty and does have a calming effect. Although I don't really see the "breeze" part. Love ya!

  2. I like the background too. Blogger also has some cool ones under the Design>Template that are nice.
    I am not ready for kids to go back to school. My little helpers will be gone for more than half the day!
    Anyway, I'll be seeing you on the school route!
