Thursday, February 10, 2011

Back in the saddle...

I hate my new toothpaste. The flavor is terrible and it doesn't suds up the way I like. I bought some Tom's of Maine, spearmint flavor. I've been reading The Good Guide, which I've decided to try to use more often to help me select items that are produced by companies that are socially and environmentally friendly, and that don't use actual poisons in their products. So the Good Guide tells me that Tom's of Maine toothpaste has a rating of 8.0, which is quite good. My old toothpaste has a rating of 5.8, because of a couple of questionable ingredients (titanium dioxide and saccharine) and because the company isn't as environmentally friendly or ethically sound as they might be. So I bought some Tom's of Maine toothpaste, and now I can feel better about my monetary contribution to humanity's future through a forward thinking company. But it tastes yucky.

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