Tuesday, April 20, 2010

A Day in the Life of....Me.

Tuesday Morning: Alarm goes off at 4:50am. Ignore it until quarter after 5. Lay in bed and listen to Russ shower while drifting in and out of sleep. When bathroom availability is imminent, get up, get dressed, get teeth and hair brushed. Roust kids out of bed. Scripture study at 5:45 (okay, we're 15 minutes behind schedule, but it happens every day, so I guess that makes it the real schedule as opposed to the alternate imaginary schedule.) Read one chapter of Book of Mormon. Send kids to get dressed, clean rooms, and do their morning chore. Make breakfast. Eat with Russ and whichever kids are done. Send husband and middle-schooler out the door. Supervise breakfast for those who trickle in late. Wipe peanut butter off shirt. Motivate kids to practice instruments (motivate with wooden spoon if necessary.) Restrain self from killing kids for breaking blinds in kitchen. Check in with iCal to remind self of any meetings, etc. Facebook and blog for 10 minutes too long, thus forcing a frustrated and raised-voice preparation to leave the house ("Hurry up or we're gonna be LATE!!") Out the door at about 8:20am. Walk the kids to school, go to my favorite class at the gym (Strength training today. My husband commented on my "guns" last night. I impressed him. Cool.) Walk home. Prepare food for lunch, and then shower if there's time left. Pick up the kindergartner at 11:45 and attend Picnic at the Park at noon. Relax for about 2 hours (except for helping kids get food and drink and making sure children remain contained in the park with their hands to themselves.) Home again in time to meet middle-schooler. Motivate said middle-schooler to practice instrument and start homework. Let little girls watch Barbie and the (whatever.) Work on laundry and finances. Welcome elementary-schoolers home at 3:45. Reward timely arrival. Coordinate getting two kids off to piano lessons and one off to ukulele lessons. Prepare dinner while supervising homework and afternoon chores. Welcome husband home to an orderly house and a loving demeanor (This actually happens once or twice a week. The rest of the time he gets a disorganized home and a harried demeanor. Oh well.) Serve dinner. Get JR to scouts and Aubrey to Young Women activity. Begin after dinner clean-up. Get aforementioned children home from aforementioned activities. Read school books and check homework. Try to remember to remind kids to brush teeth (a previously under-achieved goal that we've been trying to emphasize.) Bedtimes for kids are 7:30, 8:00, and 8:30pm. Finish laundry and finances. Try to find extra minute here and there to list the rental, assemble the flier for the Gaskell Benefit Dinner, shop locally for tiny water bottle, get short-sleeved shirts out of storage and put long-sleeved ones away, stitch up hole in Katie's Sunday dress, mix up weed killer and spray the yards, and register JR for the Webelos day hike. Get to bed by 9:30. Mentally gird up loins for tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Tom gets a clean house maybe once a week and non-harried wife maybe once a month. oh well.
