Monday, February 22, 2010

10 on Monday

Good weekend here at our house. Going backwards:
Nice relaxing evening in front of the fire last night with my husband. We put the kids to bed and just relaxed and talked. Russ has a bit of a chest cold, so he's taking things easy these days. He talked in church yesterday at 9:00 in the ? ward, then came to church with us at 11. Then he felt he needed to go to the 7th ward, as they are his stewardship for the high council. So at 1 he went to all their meetings, getting home at about 4:15. That's church for 7 hours. Glad I don't have to do that. My 3 hours are enough for a day.

Singing time went well in primary, which was nice. I feel we are really on top of things in terms of learning the new songs. We've got "I Know that my Savior Loves Me" down, and the senior primary does quite well at "He Sent His Son" (junior - not so much. If only they could read the prompts.) Next month we learn "Follow the Prophet," already well-known and a favorite, so I'm feeling pretty in control right now. Sarah didn't want to go to class with her teacher. Maybe she wasn't feeling well, although she seems fine this morning. One disadvantage to being the primary chorister is that if kids, especially Katie and Sarah, don't want to go to class, they just come and hang on my legs, which drives me crazy. Luckily it doesn't happen too often. They are really great kids.

JR played the prelude music for primary yesterday, and did a pretty good job for his first time. He'll be doing this every week, I think. He also played the opening song for senior primary. As we're ready to start, I asked him, "Do you know how to play an introduction?" Nope. SO we just started cold. A little more work to do this week so that he can be ready for next time. Not next week, though. Next week is stake conference. Yea!! A break from primary!! Primary callings are like being with the family. I love it, and I love a break from it.

Sunday morning, which can really be a bear sometimes, went well. I have decided to soften my stance on the superiority of 9am church. I'm really liking 11am church. It still feels like you've got time to do something after you get home, but the morning has far less stress in it. There's actually time to get everybody, including myself, ready for church without rushing around, and I can get singing time organized in the morning, instead of the day before. No rushing out the door just to realize in the car that someone's hair isn't brushed, someone else is wearing sport socks with their church shoes, and my teeth aren't brushed. (This has really happened to me, and I hate it. And I have realized that I care much more about the socks my kids wear to church than I do about their hair. Funny, but boys wearing white socks, or girls wearing socks without lace just embarrasses me.)

We even had time for the kids to go outside and play in the snow when they got up. I hope the Lord doesn't mind that I let my kids make a snowman on Sunday, but snow comes so rarely to us here in the southwestern desert. It was pretty wet snow, though, so they didn't stay out for long. The snowman withstood the hail and rain later in the day, and is in fact standing guard over the back yard even now. His head did fall off, though. Poor fellow. All in all, a very good Sunday.

Saturday was full of cleaning and errands. Much accomplished, though it never seems like enough. It rained most of the day, though, so I didn't get my long run in that I was supposed to. I've made arrangements for Candy to watch my kids later this morning so I can go run my 7 miles. 11:30am. Anyone want to join me?

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