Friday, February 19, 2010

10 minutes - Friday Feb. 19

These are my goals for the year. Each New Year's we make a list of resolutions or goals we want to work on for the year. All the kids have one of these bookmarks, each with their own goals on it. On the back is a list of our family's monthly scripture "theme" that we try to memorize on which we base our family home evenings. (These themes come from a book that I have that helps families with young children have effective scripture study in their home. If you want to look at it, let me know. It's a great resource.) So these are my goals - year long and then monthly. (Hope you can read it in the photo.) I'm supposed to be working on getting to bed by 9:30 this month, important since I get up at about 5:15 every morning. Haven't been too good this month. It's so easy to forget. Next month is going to be more of a challenge: no store bread. I'm nervous about that one already. But I really want to say how much making these goals helps me to do better in my life. There is real value in writing things like this down instead of just thinking them. There's more accountability if you can see them in front of you, and it's easier to remember and keep on track. I am a master of relegating things I don't want to think about to the back of my mind and ignoring them. This comes in handy when they are things I cannot do anything about, but not so handy when I need to actually be dealing with them. But I love the bookmark form, as it's always in my scriptures and I see it each day. I think this has helped the kids learn about goal-setting as well. I don't always accomplish the goals, but even if I can get them done half the time, I figure I'm significantly better off than if I never even tried.


  1. great ideas. i am not doing too well on my goals. thanks for the remotivation.

  2. I like this system. I think it's a good way to be real about them.
