Saturday, October 17, 2009

Joy #5 - The Temple

I went to the temple a few days ago, for the first time in several months (I know...slacker!!) Russell had some initiatories to do for the ward, and because the women's initiatory was behind schedule I did some sealings. I found myself in a small group that included an elderly man, Bro. Sherratt. Of course, I asked him about his family. Turns out he was Grandpa Lowell's nephew. (Yes, I am my mother's daughter!!) Russell teased me about holding some strange man's hand but I told him no, it was family. Anyway, for the past several days I have found myself thinking about what I enjoy most about the temple. I know there are eternal truths available at the temple, that truth and beauty fill that sacred place. I know that work is done there that cannot be done anywhere else on earth. And I know that temple ordinances are our only path back to God. I love and appreciate all these things. The thing that struck me most at the temple this time was how joyful a place it is. (I'm sure it is because of all the things I mentioned above, and more.) I love to go to the temple and feel the joy that fills the building. People there are so happy to be there. They smile, often when they aren't even looking at anyone. They are full of joy to be doing what they are doing. They are engaged in God's work, in the Lord's work. This is what fills them with happiness, with joy. How could anyone ask for more than to be doing what Christ would have them do? I love that feeling, and want to have it with me all the time. I think if I were to constantly have the spirit with me, if I were to constantly be making the right choices, if I were to have charity in my heart always, I would always have that joy, even in the face of sorrow. (I think sorrow and joy can exist at the same time.) I am not perfect, however, and am not always doing what Christ would have me do. My life is filled with other emotions, less Christ-like emotions. Anger, frustration, and fear live in my daily life, fighting with joy and love for my devotion. So I go to the temple, to remind myself of what it feels like to be truly on the Lord's errand. And I love what I feel there. What a blessing the temple is in my life, and I am grateful for the beacon it is, the reminder of the person I want to be.

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