Saturday, October 17, 2009

Joy #4 Katie-bug

This past week we celebrated Katherine's 6th birthday, and I have had time to reflect on how glad I am to have her. Anyone who knows Katie knows how full of life she is. I think the word exuberant was coined just for my daughter. She is larger than life, or should I say...louder than life. She doesn't do anything at a normal level, starting with her speech. Katie has a naturally loud voice. With no effort whatsoever, her little voice booms out through the house. And if she is excited, you'd better cover your ears!! This over the top attitude extends to everything she does. Her walk is really a skip, her smile is wider than you can imagine, her eyes positively sparkle, and she hugs tight enough to squeeze the breath out of you. She makes me glad to be alive. She is a great example of seizing life, with all it's joys and opportunities, and squeezing out every last drop you can. If I try to imagine my life without Katie in it, it brings tears to my eyes. I love each of my children very much, and unless you are a parent you might think each child brings more of the same. Like the same beautiful blessing, just multiplied. It's not true, though. Each child brings a unique set of characteristics and traits, like different colors in a tapestry. If we were missing one, our lives would not just be less blessed, but less colorful. I think Katie is like the red in our family tapestry, vibrant and full of life, warming us all with her love and happiness. She literally brings joy into every day of my life. I love you, Katie!!

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