Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Joy #2 - Marriage

I guess I may have trouble keeping up on this blog just as much as I have trouble journaling. But I'll just try to keep picking up even after I leave off for way too long.
This week is my 13th wedding anniversary. I am so glad not just for Russell (who is another joy altogether) but for the whole blessing of marriage. What a great opportunity. I love being married. I really enjoyed being single, and there were many things I could do then that I cannot do now. There is some serious weight to having to "check," if you will, my decisions and actions with someone else. But, what a great freedom a marriage relationship can give you. That seems counter-intuitive, but it is true. Although I now have to consider another (actually 6 others, if you include the kids) in everything I do, I can do so many more things. I have someone to share the burdens of life. I have a partner to share the responsibility. I have a friend who has covenanted not to leave me. I can be myself without fear of being alone, or of offending. I can have the family I always wanted. Can you imagine trying to raise my brood by myself? There would be much more drudgery and much less joy. I can be the homemaker the Lord wants me to be. Having a marriage partner not only gives me security (financial, physical, and emotional), it also encourages me to stretch my wings, to be a better person. I am challenged by having a partner. A good analogy is having an exercise partner. When we exercise with a partner we are more likely to show up, fulfill our commitment (2 full miles or whatever), and to push harder than we do when we are alone. We are less likely to quit when we get tired. We are not only striving for ourselves, but to please/impress/not let down another person. Marriage is like that, only on a much greater scale. Life is our challenge, and having a partner helps me get up in the morning, fulfill my commitment (live the gospel, raise righteous children, or whatever), try a little harder to be better each day. It's esier to not quit when things are tough because we can spell each other. We can each work from our strengths and learn from each others' strengths. And there is positive pressure to please/impress/not let down our partner. Eternally speaking, partnership is inspired. How much better to share the journey and the reward with another, with a best friend. I know marriage is not always this way. It's so important to pick the right person, someone with whom you can have this great relationship. Don't settle, or marriage turns from this great uplifting partnership to a dragging weight keeping you away from the gates of heaven. I am truly blessed. I have great joy in marriage.

1 comment:

  1. You could have this published for purchase at Deseret Book. Loved the analogy & yes...marriage is such a joy!
