Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Found these photos of me (trying to document the condition of a full-length mirror in our rental) which were taken one year apart. The one on the left was taken in February of 2008, about halfway through my weight loss journey, and the second one was taken in March of this year. I like the difference. My mom has a better "before" photo of me taken at my heaviest, but I don't know if I dare publish it. We'll see. The point is, I love coming across these little reminders of all my hard work and the great results. Now I just need to keep winning the battle to keep the weight off. The key for me is exercise. Daily. For the rest of my life. It's daunting, but so worth it. I've heard people say, "Being thin feels better than any dessert (or whatever) tastes." I don't agree. I love food and am not willing to not eat the things I like. I just have to think, "This dessert (french fries, pasta alfredo, hot dog, whatever) will cost me X hours of exercise. Is it worth it?"


  1. I am glad to have found you. Candi led me over to the playgroup. I hope I can come sometime.
    Congrats on your weight loss. You look great. Hard work does pay off.

  2. You are my hero losing so much weight the old fashioned way & sticking with it. I'm with you on loving's worth it most of the time to run an extra mile or so. Can't wait to see how this all works in heaven!
