Friday, May 15, 2009

small & simple things

Okay, so this isn't so simple, even if in the scheme of things it is small. I will try my hand at blogging, because I enjoy other people's blogs so much, and because it seems an easier way to keep you all caught up on what is going on. Also, the kids are dying to have a family blog where they can each post entries and be a little creative. We'll see how it goes.

The name is self explanatory, I hope. It seems that all the things I do at this point in my life are a small and simple things. However, I trust the Lord when he tells me that by these type of things are great things brought to pass (Alma 37:6.) So perhaps, cumulatively, my accomplishment will be worthy of God's approval. I hope so.

The kids have one more week of school. They are out on the 22nd of May. Wow! The days and the nights are long, but the years just fly by. We are getting ready for the schedule change. It's always a challenge for me to create a daily schedule that accomplishes all I want to get done, but is reasonable. I wonder if we can continue to get up at 6:00am? If we can do it now, shouldn't we be able to all summer? It sounds good, but I wonder... I also want to make sure all the kids get their house chore done daily and then also some outside job. Before it gets too hot. Perhaps I should make them work outside first. Well, I'll have a schedule in place soon. I have to know what I'm supposed to do each time slot of the day. Then I still know what I should be doing when I'm not. It allows for greater guilt. No, just kidding. I just like to be organized in my head. I can handle a greater amount of spontaneity (read chaos) if I know what is supposed to be happening.

So this is my big project for the next couple of days. Get the summer organized. And catch up on my finances. Also, fold this week's laundry. And have a "girl's night" party tonight while Russ and JR are at the 2nd Ward Father's & Sons outing. Perhaps with a little creative combining I could get it all done tonight. I wonder if Sarah can use a calculator?


  1. Jen! I'm so excited you have a blog. How fun the kids are doing one too! Abby has been asking me to help her set up a blog for months-I told her when she was 8 we would go for it-looks like I'd better get on the ball before she is 9! Looking forward to knowing a little more about our fabulous Lebarons in Hurricane!

  2. since it is officially the first day of summer, we just sat down and tried to plan out our week. i am like you and need to have some organization otherwise we end up doing nothing. and i like your idea and having the kids do an outside job everyday. i need to get cracking. thank for the tips.
